March 10, 2024
Smart Moves Workshop for Teens

The High School Academic Support Program hosted a Smart Moves Workshop for Teens on March 9, 2024. The Workshop included a Gang Violence Prevention presentation which was facilitated by Mr. Elijah Glenn, CEO of Eli Speaks! Makiya Isaacs from Beth Israel Hospital and her Team presented an STD Prevention Session which included STD Prevention Packets and STD Prevention techniques. Mr. Lyndon Brown, Director of the High School Academic Support Program presented Teens with Trauma Recovery and PTSD handbooks for Teens. Mr. Brown shared his own experience of being carjacked and beaten unconscious in the City of Newark and the importance of seeking counseling and resources to combat Post Traumatic Distress Disorder. Trauma is not always a physical experience but an emotional one as well Teens are traumatized virtually and thru text messages and group chats with threats, humiliation, cyber bullying and harassment. Teens were encouraged to seek support and help in their schools and communities. The Teens also enjoyed a delicious lunch that was prepared by Tossed NJ and door prizes which were sponsored by our facilitators. Upcoming events were shared with the teens and community service hours were given to students who attended.