This is another awesome opportunity for teens. I plan to take students after-school to the evening session to connect with colleges and universities that typically don’t come to this area including: Duke, UCLA, Syracuse, Villanova, Temple, Penn State, Stanford, Cornell, UCONN, Georgia Tech, Clemson, Michigan State, Florida State, Fashion Institute of Technology, Virginia Tech., Boston…
...continue readingThis is another awesome opportunity for teens. I plan to take students after-school to the evening session to connect with colleges and universities that typically don’t come to this area including: Duke, UCLA, Syracuse, Villanova, Temple, Penn State, Stanford, Cornell, UCONN, Georgia Tech, Clemson, Michigan State, Florida State, Fashion Institute of Technology, Virginia Tech., Boston…
...continue readingMEETING ID: 879-4595-6291 PASSWORD: 060331 All High School Athletes are invited to join our virtual session. NCAA Clearinghouse Rules Making the Most of a College Visit Creating an Effective Highlight Tape Recruitment Tips for Division I & Division II Athletes Benefits of a Division III Program
...continue readingAll High School Juniors and Seniors are welcome to attend! Bus Departure: 9:00 am – Springfield Branch Library Bus Return: 2:30 pm For further information contact: Mr. Brown, Program Director at 862-368-4261
...continue readingZoom Meeting ID: 897 2442 9973 Passcode: 687058 All High School Juniors and Seniors and current college students are welcome to join us.
...continue readingMeeting ID: 870 0568 9236 Passcode: 806621
...continue readingMeeting ID: 840 0380 1115 Passcode: 895126
...continue reading